Website management
Where as part of the Services the Supplier is providing a Client Website (meaning a website developed for the Customer by the Supplier or a website which the Supplier has contributed towards) the Customer:
a) may choose to instruct the Supplier to manage it through an agreed service plan as set out in the Order; and
b) unless otherwise between the Customer and the Supplier, the Customer will be required to set up a Wix account, or another account specified by the Supplier (“Account”). An Account subscription for an initial 12 month period, for hosting of the Client Website and the applicable features and software, will have already been paid for by the Supplier. Upon expiry of the initial 12 month period of the Account subscription, the Customer will be responsible for arranging renewal and payment of that subscription as well as the applicable features and software.
Terms of Business
EllGeo Marketing Limited is registered in England and Wales, our company number is 12602099.
Below are just some of our terms of business. These have been presented on our website in-order to make our service offering as transparent as possible. Further information can be provided on request or upon such time as you require a quote from us.
The Customer grants to the Supplier a royalty-free, worldwide, non-exclusive licence to use the Customer Content for the purposes of the Project.
The Supplier retains the Intellectual Property Rights in all files, graphics, images, Client Website and all other products of the Services except as provided by the Customer, until all fees are paid in full.
Hosting Contracts
Domain name, website hosting and other applicable service contracts are charged out by Supplier on a per annum basis and are a cost in which the Supplier incurs to run the Customer’s website through the software provider chosen by the Supplier. Should a Customer wish to transfer hosting of either a domain name or website to an alternative ISP or change the provider of other applicable services at any time, the Customer must: i) have paid Supplier for all costs incurred in relation to the transferring service ; and ii) an authorised contact of the Customer must have notified Supplier in writing of this fact at least 30 days before the expiry of the transferring service contract.

Confidentiality and announcements
The Customer shall keep confidential all Confidential Information of the Supplier and shall only use the same as required to perform the Contract. This clause shall remain in force for a period of three years from the date of the Contract and, if longer, three years after termination of the Contract.
In order for Supplier to maintain Supplier portfolio credentials, and the integrity of any applicable copyrights, Supplier maintains the right to place a small logo on the Customer’s website which will link back to the Supplier’s website. Supplier also maintains the right to reproduce the Customer’s website in our portfolio and in any marketing materials.
Full terms of business can be provided on request.